3. Sydney x Pochito (Mascot) & The Tart Sisters (Ashfield)
Jaz (00:00):
Hey there and welcome to My Mate In. In this show, I have a chat to friends from all over the place about one of their favorite restaurants or bars or cafes, um, and just kind of pick their brain for places that I should go when I visit them, um, or that they can take me. Um, so, uh, today I am catching up with my mate, Claudia, who is in Sydney. Welcome, Claudes.
Claudia (00:23):
Hey, how you going?
Jaz (00:25):
Going good.
Claudia (00:26):
That's good.
New Speaker (00:26):
Uh, so today, are we talking about a restaurant, a bar or a cafe?
Claudia (00:32):
Uh, so one of them is a bakery. The other one is a restaurant where you can kind of get like breakfast and lunch. So maybe call it a cafe.
Jaz (00:43):
Amazing. We've gotta double whamy today.
Claudia (00:45):
Yeah. .
Jaz (00:46):
Which should we start with?
Claudia (00:49):
Um, I might start off with the one that you probably would know, uh, cuz we've been there together. Um,
Jaz (00:55):
Claudia (00:56):
So, uh, this one is Pochito in Mascot, um, which is a Chilean cafe. Uh, so, uh, it's I, my background is Chilean um, so it's always really nice to have something that's like authentic Chilean in the area. Um, just cuz I grew up in Southwest Sydney and there is like quite a few Chilean bakeries around there. Um, but there's nothing really in the inner west or Sydney area, um...
Jaz (01:28):
New Speaker (01:28):
That you can kind of get so yeah, it's always nice to have like a little piece of like the community, uh, in that one particular place.
Jaz (01:37):
Absolutely. We did a double date there.
Claudia (01:40):
Yes we did. Yeah.
Jaz (01:41):
Yeah. And I think that, that was, uh, we were already very, um, chummy at work, but this was like one of our first social, like let's see if we can be friends things
Claudia (01:51):
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was actually like super nervous cause I was just like, oh, like what if like our like work friendship doesn't like translate to like friendship and I'm like, oh!
Jaz (02:02):
Since then, oh, I, I think it was since then I ran into someone who I worked with at CSU and he's a, um, an older guy, like we're of different generations. And he came up to me and said, I really like you, Jasmine. Um, I wonder if you and your partner and me and my partner should go out and have coffee and if we don't like each other fine, we never have to do it again. it was like, I just loved how forthright he was. Like, this is not a guarantee that this friendship will work. And just so that, you know yeah. I'm giving you a, one chance.
Claudia (02:37):
Okay. No, that's that's amazing. Yeah, no, I, um, I like that kind of like forthrightness, just like being like yeah, if we don't like each other, we're just like, yeah, we'll just be work friends
Jaz (02:48):
Exactly. And you know what? That's cool. Like, you know, different kinds of friendships, but um, our double date to Pochito was awesome and we are friends. We're not just work friends. Yay.
Claudia (02:59):
Yeah, I know. Right. It's perfect.
Jaz (03:00):
um, awesome. So let's talk about, uh, Pochito and what it's like, like what people would expect going there and the kinds of stuff that you might recommend people try.
Claudia (03:15):
Yeah, for sure. Um, so it's kind of just, uh, it's like a cozy cafe. Um, I would say like, I don't know, it feels like for me, like very homely kind of vibes. Um...
Jaz (03:30):
Claudia (03:30):
...it's, there's probably about like five or six tables inside, few tables outside. Um, but like it's, it's small, it's quaint, like it's not too big. Um, and yeah, it's, I, I believe it's like family run, um, as well, so like, oh, I'm pretty sure the chef, uh, and then the two kids or her two kids, um, like run the front. So like yeah, like you just get to see everyone there. It's really nice. Um, you know, if you speak Chilean or Spanish, um, they'll speak to you back in the same language, but if you don't like they don't trash on you. Um...
Jaz (04:09):
Claudia (04:10):
um, but yeah, like it's a good mix of, uh, like meat and vegetarian options. So, uh, both you and I are vegetarian. Um, so yeah, it's, um, there's a good mix. There is, uh, one thing in particular that I usually get, um, when I'm in the area or like kind of doing like a takeaway kind of thing, um, which is a completo, which is basically like a Chilean hotdog. Uh, so you have, you know, your bun, uh, your sausage or vegetarian sausage, um, avocado, uh, tomato, and then, uh, mayonnaise on top. You can get cabbage, um, sorry, like kind of like pickled cabbage on top as well. Just like really, really good. Um, but yeah, like it's yeah. I don't know. Like it's just so good. um, it's so nice. Like, cause you know, like I can do this at home. It's, it's fairly simple, but like, I don't know, it's the act of, I don't know, talking to someone else in your language. Um, and just knowing that like, like I said before, like if you really wanted to go somewhere, that's like, you know, not all the way out in the Southwest area, you can just go there and just feel like you're at home.
Jaz (05:29):
Claudia (05:31):
And yeah, so like there's completos, there's in empanadas. There's like everything, there's a whole bunch of stuff. Yeah.
Jaz (05:37):
I wanna eat it now. It's like a little bit cold in Melbourne today. I'm like, that just sounds like delicious, warm, like comfort soul food. Yeah.
Claudia (05:46):
Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So it's yeah. It's very like comfort food. Um, there is like another thing which I imagine it would be perfect in my cold weather, which is, um, an empanada, which is like a, how do I explain this? Like, it's kind of like a, like a hot pocket kind of thing. Um, like it's just pastry and they've got so many different versions, but the one that I got was a four cheese one, which is just deep friedm it's gooey. It's amazing.
Jaz (06:16):
Mas, mas queso, mas.
Claudia (06:18):
Exactly. Yeah. there's just more, I want more um, so yeah, it's just, um, I don't know, like it's oh, it's just perfect. Um, but yeah, like I said, there's, there's heaps of stuff for like people that do eat meat. Um, they have like, uh, they've got coffee, they've got like, you know, normal beverages and stuff like that. Um, they've got at the counter. They've got like a few Chilean and sweets as well.
Jaz (06:46):
Claudia (06:47):
Um, so you know, like you can really, like, you could take a whole bunch of stuff take away. Um, they've also got like bread, like this little flap kind of bread, which is just like, when you cut into it and just have it with butter, it's just perfect. Um, I'm I haven't had breakfast, so I am quite hungry. So when I'm talking about this type of stuff, I'm like, this would be perfect right now. This would perfect right now.
Jaz (07:17):
Rookie manouvre, my friend talking about food on an empty stomach.
Claudia (07:19):
I know it's stupid. it's kind of like going shopping with like when you're hungry, it's just dumb. Like you make dumb decisions.
Jaz (07:29):
Could you, could you Uber eats it like after we finished recording or do, would you need to get in the car and go,
Claudia (07:34):
Like I'd have to get into a car and go like, but we have...
Jaz (07:36):
Sounds worth it though especially to have that conversation and see people.
Claudia (07:40):
Yeah, yeah, exactly. Um, but yeah, like, I don't know. It's just a, yeah, it's a really good, it's a really good spot. It, um, hasn't been like, uh, put to death on Broadsheet or like those kinds of places it's, yeah.
Jaz (07:54):
Claudia (07:55):
I don't know. It's really good. It's it's supporting a family run business, so, you know, it's always. It's always a good one.
Jaz (08:03):
Yeah. Nice. And you can't, you can't just throw into conversation. You can get Chilean suites without telling me more about that. .
Claudia (08:10):
Yeah. oh, sorry. Um, so, uh, oh, I'm trying to remember what they have. Um, but so Chilean sweets, like have a lot of, like, dulce de leche, which is like, um, caramel. Um, so it's, it's a lot of that. So a lot of like biscuits with caramel or like wafers with caramel. Um, so yeah, they have like this little, it's only very tiny, like a little display cabinet from memory. Um, and they only have a few of them there. So if you miss out, you miss out.
Jaz (08:42):
So you know they're fresh and yummy
Claudia (08:43):
Exactly that too. Um, but the alfajor is really, really good there as well. Um, like I've only ever had that one, but I imagine the rest of them would be good too. Um, if you like custard as well, which I am not a fan of, um...
Jaz (08:58):
I'm a big custard fan.
Claudia (09:00):
Okay. There you go. they have like this wafer thing, uh, where you've got like this really big, thick, uh, bit of custard in between two wafers. Um, so like I said, I'm not a fan of custard, so I don't even know the name of that particular dessert so , I just know the look of it. I'm like, that looks nasty. Um, but um, but yeah, uh, yeah, highly recommend.
Jaz (09:30):
Uh, my dad was a, well, is a trained pastry chef. He doesn't, oh, uh, he doesn't practice, um, pastry chefing. I don't know what the verb of that is. um, he doesn't practice any anymore except like as treats for us at special occasions and stuff. But he worked in a bakery when I was growing up and my favorite thing was custard tarts. So I think for me, it's like a, yeah, anything with custard is a bit of a throwback to that and thinking about being in the bakery with my dad.
Claudia (09:58):
That's awesome. I didn't know that.
Jaz (10:00):
Yeah. That's and that's why I like podcasting is to have conversations with friends and like learn stuff about them, like their favorite cafes and why they like them or, you know, stuff about their, their life. Yeah. It's cool. Good excuse to have a conversation.
Claudia (10:14):
yeah, I think so.
Jaz (10:18):
Um, Alrighty. So how do people get to put Pochita?
Claudia (10:22):
Um, I've only ever driven there. Um, I have seen a bus go by, um, but it is, uh, in Mascot. Um, it's like on the corner of a random street, which has like a park on the other side of it. Um,
Jaz (10:40):
Yeah. Remember that park. It was pretty, yeah,
Claudia (10:42):
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Like we take our dog, uh, Waffle, um, around, uh, for a little walk, um, when we do get takeaway. Um, and we're just like, you know, hoeing into like a completa or an empanada, takeaway
Jaz (10:55):
Food in one hand, leash in the other,
Claudia (10:57):
Yeah. Yeah. trying to control him, but trying to enjoy food. um, but I believe it is near main road. I just it's it's beyond me at the moment. I can't even remember what it's called. Um...
Jaz (11:10):
The beauty of Google.
Claudia (11:11):
Yeah, exactly. Yeah.
Jaz (11:12):
Um, well I'm gonna chuck a link to the location in the show notes.
Claudia (11:16):
Yeah, definitely.
New Speaker (11:17):
So that'll be handy.
Claudia (11:18):
Yeah. Yeah, for sure.
Jaz (11:20):
Ah, awesome. Um, alright. What about like, is there, um, oh no, with this one sounds like maybe there's not a, a lot close by that you would, you know, you visit when you go that way later. Um, the park is a great tip.
Claudia (11:36):
Yeah. Look, I think because we've only ever been to go to Pochito and Pochito only. Um, and yeah, like, and especially with having a dog, uh, like my dog who is a little bit reactive, um, it's always good to kind of have, uh, like a park nearby that you can kind of take him for a walk around if you need to.
Jaz (11:59):
Claudia (11:59):
Um, I believe the main road has like a bowling park, like, like a bowling thing, like where you can kind of BYO drinks. Um,
Jaz (12:10):
Claudia (12:10):
Again, the name of the, I think it's, oh God, the name of it's kind of phasing me out, but like, yeah. Obviously wouldn't take a dog there. Um but yeah, it's kind of just in the ran..., Like in a bit of a random spot, um.
Jaz (12:22):
Claudia (12:22):
In between like a few main roads.
Jaz (12:23):
New Speaker (12:25):
But yeah, but plenty of parking, which is always handy.
Jaz (12:28):
Yeah. Nice. It's on our list now when I, when I come back to Sydney were doing this again.
Claudia (12:34):
Jaz (12:36):
Okay. So now we're going to, um, location jump to, from Mascot to Ashfield, right?
Claudia (12:43):
Yeah. Yeah. So, uh, this one, uh so this one's called the Tart Sisters.
Jaz (12:51):
Okay, I really love it.
Claudia (12:52):
yeah. Uh, which is like this it's, it's a bakery. So you, which we go like, you've got, you have to have everything else cuz you're just picking up like heaps of sweets or heaps of savories um um, but it's, I can't even explain it to you. Like it's just so delicious. Like um, when my partner and I go around there, we're always there and we always grab as much as we can take away... Because it, they don't have any seating inside, so it's just like bakery shop front. Um, so you like, I was there yesterday, so
Jaz (13:35):
So it's fresh in your mind.
Claudia (13:35):
Might , it's very fresh in my mind. Um, but it's one of those things where you, like, once you get something, you see and want something else and you're like, I want that to, and then you want something else you want that, that, that, that, um, but yeah, so they have, um, heaps of sweets. Um, they do quite a few savory things as well. Um, I believe predominantly vegetarian, um...
Jaz (14:02):
Oh cool.
Claudia (14:03):
...Which is quite handy. Um, but they've got like pies, they've got tarts. Um, they've got a lot of cakes, uh, when we went there last, not yesterday, but the last time, um, they had this like jalapeño bread, which...
Jaz (14:17):
Claudia (14:17):
...Was really bloody good.
Jaz (14:20):
Claudia (14:20):
Yeah. And it was just like pickled kind of jalapeño as well. So it's just, oh, I wanna go back there right now, but they're closed ona a Sunday, I think .
Jaz (14:32):
Claudia (14:32):
I know. Um, but yeah. Uh, so when we go there, um, we usually grab, uh, stuff for lunch. Um, but I, yeah, so they, like, they've got this like amazing tarts that are either like, uh, cheddar or mushroom, pumpkin and goat's cheese, um, cheddar and tomato, like that type of thing. Um, they do have pies that are vegetarian as well. Some of them have cauliflower, which I'm not a fan of.
Jaz (15:02):
Oh, I think we are complimentary in that sense again, I love cauliflower. .
Claudia (15:07):
Really? Okay. Well then you take all the cauliflower pies.
Jaz (15:10):
we are never gonna argue when we go places.
Claudia (15:12):
No, never.
Jaz (15:13):
If there's, if there's one left.
Claudia (15:15):
Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like the olive theory, which I'm not too sure. Like you probably heard of this
Jaz (15:19):
What's this?
Claudia (15:20):
The olive theory where like, if like in order for some like two people to get along, uh, one person has to love olive olives and the other person has to hate olive olives. So then you never fight. So maybe this is like the cauliflower for us.
Jaz (15:33):
I think so, we've like ultimate friendship combination.
Claudia (15:37):
Yeah. Yeah, exactly.
Jaz (15:38):
Excellent. uh, when you were, when you were mentioning the tarts before I was wondering what the pastry is like, so, you know, you could have like Portuguese tarts and it's like flaky crumbly, or you could have, um, like it's kind of more dense, almost like a sweet version of a pie pastry.
Claudia (16:01):
Yeah. Um, so it's kind of, so the base of the, like the tart is like, like biscuit almost like it's quite like crunchy. Um, and then it's got like this very thin layer, like not very thin, but like it's got a thin layer of like the mixture, just like usually egg and like the two things that you choose. So like say for example, cheddar and mushroom. Um, but they're quite generous with, um, like the cheddar, for example, where, you know, like you can definitely taste that it's got that particular cheese in it, like
Jaz (16:35):
Not just cheesy texture or something, it's like, you can taste the flavor. Yeah.
Claudia (16:39):
Jaz (16:39):
I totally know what you mean.
Claudia (16:41):
Um, but yeah, I think it just, it works so well that like, you can't just get one tart, you know what I mean? Like you can't that it's just, there must, there has to be something wrong with you or like you've eaten like a very big meal beforehand, but like it's just really bloody good. Um, and yeah, so yesterday Alana and I, uh, who's my partner. Um, we got like one of the cheddar and mushroom ones and the pumpkin and goat's cheese ones. And we walked our dog around eating this particular, like one of the tarts and it was just like, we were just in love.
Jaz (17:21):
So no conversation because you're just absorbing it.
Claudia (17:26):
exactly. . Um, but yeah, I, I always have that dilemma where I go in and I'm just like, I could, I could literally buy one of everything and I'd be fine. Um, but yeah, they've just got like, like I haven't tried any of the sweet stuff there, but they've got like biscuits, they've got like different types of cakes. Um, and some of them are like really cute cakes, like fairy bread cake. Um,
Jaz (17:54):
Claudia (17:55):
Yeah. um, they've yeah. And, uh, I don't know, like they're just, it's just so bloody good. And then like, obviously if you need a coffee or anything like that, there is a cafe that's right next door. Um, so if you needed to have a coffee or needed like a walking around kind of drink, um, you can get something there. Um, but yeah, it's just, it's just really bloody good. And the customer service there as well. I have to mention, um, the girl that has been there the, the few times that we've gone has just been so lovely. Um, I think it, again, it's a family run business, um, and they're just, they're just so nice. Like they just like genuinely wanna have a chat. They, you know, they always recommend, uh, like, you know, say for example, if you weren't sure what to get like yesterday with me. Um, cause I'm stupidly indecisive. Uh she was helping me out trying to figure out which one to get. Um, but yeah, they're just, I don't know. They're just so lovely there as well. Um,
Jaz (18:59):
Makes all the difference. Ah, hell
Claudia (19:00):
Oh hell yeah. But yeah, I guess...
Jaz (19:03):
You, there could be in Sydney, there's so many good places to eat, um, that I'm sure there's somewhere you've been to where the food is fantastic, but it didn't cross your mind when I asked you to do this because it's gotta be the whole experience. Like you have to feel good going to a place and, and, um, like have that exchange and walk away going 'Yeah. I wanna come back here'.
Claudia (19:25):
Yeah. Yeah. Well like the, I think so , uh, the reason I chose those two is cuz I, so, uh, not to bore you, but like I used to have this like list, this running list on my, on my phone. Um, when Alana and I first moved out into the Inner West and it was trialing out all the cafes around, around the area. So Dulwich Hill, Marrickville, Ashfield, like all of them and we would rate them outta 10. So it'd be like the experience, the food, the coffee, like, and we would have this list and be, it's such a dorky thing...
Jaz (20:01):
You should start podcast, Claudia.
Claudia (20:09):
Um, but then I was looking back at that list last night to be like, oh, like, which one should I pick? And I, I definitely wanted to go something cultural, but then also I was looking at that list and I just noticed like every single one of those has now become like this, you know, this stable in that particular area. Um, to the point where like Broad Sheet, Timeout, like all of these types of like recommendation places [webistes] and review places would actually tell you to go. Um, and you know, it's not because they're not great, but like yeah. I wanted to choose two things that potentially people might not know.
Jaz (20:47):
Yes. Yes, appreciate that.
Claudia (20:50):
No worries. Um, but yeah, like I, I could obviously talk your ear off about like different cafe recommendations, to be honest with you.
Jaz (20:59):
Yeah, I feel like we're gonna have have follow up episodes. Definitely.
Claudia (21:06):
Jaz (21:06):
Um, so with the, the one in Ashfield, is it far from the Ashfield train station?
Claudia (21:13):
Yeah. It's a bit of, it's a bit of a walk. Um, like it would, it's probably closer to Ashbury, which is just like the suburb near, um, like just suburb next door. Um, so you could probably take a bus there, like, or you can, uh, walk if you're keen. Um, but it is...
Jaz (21:32):
Sounds like you're gonna eat a lot of tarts. So maybe walking isn't a bad idea.
Claudia (21:35):
yeah. That's why we usually, uh, like we walk our dog while eating a tart because it's just like, you gotta walk it off, especially if you eat two.
Jaz (21:44):
Cancels each other out.
Claudia (21:47):
Jaz (21:47):
Definitely science.
Claudia (21:48):
Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Well you, you would know um, but yeah, like the cafe next door as well has really good drinks. So like juices, coffees, we got an ice chai yesterday. Um,
Jaz (22:02):
Claudia (22:02):
But yeah, like it's yeah, it's close to a, um, a park. So if you've got kids or a dog, it's got a, um, like an enclosed dog area as well in Ashbury. Um, so that's not too far away from where it is. Um, and I guess if you were walking, it's like quite close to Ashfield mall, um,
Jaz (22:20):
Claudia (22:20):
So, you know, if you are doing your groceries and you're just like, I could go a really mean tart, you gotta it there.
Jaz (22:29):
Yeah, no excuse.
Claudia (22:30):
Yeah. No excuse
Jaz (22:34):
Yeah. Awesome.
Claudia (22:35):
Jaz (22:36):
Amazing. Yeah. Well now it's 11 o'clock and now I'm, I'm hungry for lunch after this conversation. You haven't had breakfast, so yeah, I pitty you.
Claudia (22:45):
I feel like I gotta drive somewhere. Right.
Jaz (22:50):
Uh, I've really appreciated this chat. Um, and I love the, the clear passion that you have for both these places and that, you know, like the, um, description that you've shared for people that, you know, no doubt anyone who's in these areas is gonna wanna check them out and, and others will wanna travel for it. So thank you for making the time. Uh, you're amazing.
Claudia (23:10):
Any time. Oh, and, and so are you, of course.
Jaz (23:13):
of course that's why we're friends. We're awesome.
Claudia (23:16):
Jaz (23:17):
Uh, looking forward to visiting you and, um, checking out these places with you.
Claudia (23:21):
Yeah. See you soon.